Saturday, 1 February 2014

Galley and Gardening

Yesterday I didn't have a free moment. By the time I went to bed was too tired to blog.

This morning, I woke at six, finished the edits for The Captain and The Countess, which will be released by MuseItUp Publishing on the 21st February, and e-mailed them.

While checking my e-mails I noticed the sun had come out so, by 10 30 a.m. I was out in the garden, feet squelching after days of rain. I moved a couple of small shrubs, shifted a clump of Lady's Mantle, a particular favourite, which is so named because the leaves are supposed to resemble the Virgin Mary's cloak, and planted a hebe and a small conifer. I think the grass green conifer is in the wrong place and might move it. I also planted some narcissi bulbs which had sprouted in a plastic bag in the greenhouse.

Later, while cooking lunch, I was fascinated by the sight of a carrion crow. With its beak it picked up some bread I had scattered on the lawn, dunked the piece in the pond and then ate it. The bird repeated this several times before something startled it and it flew away. He/or she visits the pond regularly to drink, but this is the first time I have seen it dip bread in water. By the way, I hope it is not preying on the water snails!

While lunch was cooking, I refilled the bird feeders with seed, came back indoors and watched blue tits, robins and sparrows flock to it, while a female blackbird pecked at spilled seed on the ground. Very entertaining!

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