Monday, 4 November 2013

A Trying Day

On some days it would be better to pull the duvet over my head to shut out the world , which involved many phone calls before the plasterer and the plumber came in the afternoon. While waiting for them I wanted to track missing postcards for my book table at the Festival of Romance. The order number is in an e-mail. When I tried to log on my isp was down in my area. Connection was not restored until 5 p.m. by which time it was too late to phone about my order.
With no water in the kitchen, I decided to dine out and then attend Watford Writers to cheer myself up. Guess what! My car wouldn't start. The battery is flat. Somewhat later I did go to bed and pull the duvet over my head.
Sometimes it is hard to be philosophical, but today is another day. Hopefully, the carpenter and plumber will be on time, I'll arrange for the postcards to be sent, and call the AA to sort out the car.

Blood Pressure Rising

My blood pressure must be soaring.

There's a long drawn out saga about my kitchen . The wall under the kitchen sink was wet. The kitchen cabinet had to be removed. The wall was treated and for months the contractor has been waiting for it to dry out. For the fourth time I emptied the kitchen and was ready for the plasterer at 8 a.m. At 9.30 a.m. I phoned to see why he had not arrived. He had not finished yesterday's job and could not start the work at my house but the work would be started on the 7th. I nearly exploded. Instead I said that I do have a personal life and the 7th is inconvenient. (I shall attend the Festival of Romance although I did not tell her that.). The person I spoke to said she would phone back in an hour to let me know what was happening. She has not and I daresay the saga will be long drawn out.
Sympathy please.