Friday, 9 August 2013

From My Bookshelf

Redcoat - The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket by Richard Holmes is an interesting addition to my library.

 'Wonderful ...Not just a work of history - but of enthusiasm and unparalleled knowledge.' Bernard Cornwell.

'Redcoat is the story of the British soldier from the Seven Year War through to the Mutiny and Crimea. It is consistently entertaining, full of brilliantly chosen anecdotes, and rattles along at a good light infantry pace.' David Crane. Spectator Books of the Year.

From my bookcase Wellington's...

Amongst other books I am reading Wellington's Peninsular War Generals & Their Battles. A Biographical and Historical Dictionary by T. A. Heathcote.

The book "covers the lives of forty-one of the best known divisional commanders, principal staff officers and heads of supporting arms and services in Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese army which famously halted Napoleon's previously invincible eagles and forced them back into France..."