Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Yesterday and Today

I've no idea why but yesterday I was so tired that I literally couldn't keep my eyes open. I returned to bed and slept for hours. Then it was a rush to get ready to attend my 14 year-old grandson's birthday in a Mexican restaurant. Eighteen members of my family got together to enjoy each others' company and a delicious meal. Afterward we went to an Italian Ice-Cream parlour which also serves cookie dough, cakes, cheesecakes and other desserts. The children like the banana splits and other treats

After a good night's sleep I continued to line edit the printed copy of my mediaeval novel. I really have almost finished tweaking it and, with the second volume of the chronicles in mind, am re-reading Kathryn Warner's Edward II.

My writing stint completed I worked in the garden. It's time to plant out as much as possible from the green house. I tipped a bag of horse manure and a large bucket of home made compost onto a 4foot square raised bed and then planted leeks in it.

Now I'm fed up because I wasted a lot of time trying to find out how to cancel a job listed on the printer. I've given up for now and am blogging etc., before I watch Spring Watch on television.