Sunday, 14 April 2013


At long last, some decent weather her in S.E.England. Yesterday, I cleaned my greenhouse and potted up pumpkins, winter squash and courgettes which were growing indoors in a heated propagator. I also potted up my orchids. I removed all the old compost, trimmed the roots, repotted the plants in orchid compost and fed them with a special liquid feed. Hopefully, they will thrive and flower for months.

Yesterday, I sowed sweetcorn,sweetpeas,basil and other seeds in seed-tray. Today, I transplated four clumps of rhubarb to a well-manured sunny spot, planted a dessert gooseberry and nearly finished tidying up my  greenhouse.

Regency Snippets - Bazaar

John Trotter, an army contractor, became rich during the Napoleonic Wars. Afte the war ended he turned his warehouse in Soho Square, London, into a bazaar, which opened in 1816. He intended the bazaar to provide a space in which the wives and daughters of army officers could sell their handiwork. The bazaar was entirely encolsed. The stalls were for hire fore three pence a foot.

Guest Blogger at Fresh Fiction.

Today, I am a guest blogger at Fresh Fiction.

The link is: