Saturday, 11 January 2014

Busy Day

As a rule I begin writing at 6 a.m. Today was no exception. At least, I was not writing my novel but attending to business. Amongst other writing related matters things I prepared a brief article about my novel Far Beyond Rubies set in England in 1706 during Queen Anne Stuart's reign.

When chatting to people about my books and life as an author many of them are surprised when I point out that writing is a business. Of course, it is a happy one because I enjoy writing historical novels, researching history and visiting places of historical interest.

Anyway, this morning I also applied half of the scribbles in one of my notebooks. I looked up websites relevant to my novels. It was a little tedious but sometimes the results were rewarding. However, I vowed that never again would I accumulate so many notes which would languish for a year or more.

At 10.30 a.m. I took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather to work in my organic garden. I tidied a narrow flower bed that edges the broad steps leading up to my house, planted a shrub that had been in a pot for ages, cut back the dead leaves on the lady's mantle and planted some polyanthas. By the time I had to go indoors to cook lunch I had added two large buckets of weeds etc., to the compost bin.

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