Sunday, 24 November 2013

Princess Fairies and Christmas.

It seems the latest craze amongst small girls is that of Princess Fairies. These are Disneyland dolls - Snow White, Beauty, Cinderella etc., for which various accessories are available.

Yesterday my daughter and I took my granddaughter to Toys are Us where she fell in love with the dolls. We told her she must wait for Christmas to see what Santa Claus brings. Many of the dolls were a bargain at half price and she doesn't know we have bought some for her. I can hardly wait to see her joy on Christmas Day.

There is something magical about seeing Christmas through the eyes of children. I shall spend Christmas Eve at my daughter's house, read the story of the nativity to the my grandsons and granddaughter, and share their  joy on Christmas Day when they open their stockings and presents.

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