Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Regency Snippets - Costume The Beau Monde 1807

January, 1807 a description of the clothing from "The Beau Monde" magazine 1807. 

"The return of the rigid season brings with it once more to every loyal bosom the happy occasion of doing honour to the birth-day of our gracious and aimiable Queen. Fancy and taste have been long busy in making preparations, and the condescension of a noble lady has enabled us to aniticpate some of the characteristics that are likely to distinguish the habilments of the day. The design which she has given us the honour to communicte brings the whole into a central point of consideration, and we have therefore only to describe it.

Illustration - Ladies - The hair dressed in natural curls round the face, with a coronet, bandeau or other ornament in gold - feathers of every kind. The body, sleeves and petticoat, of rich, full coloured satin or velvet the draperies of gauze or tiffany spotted with gold embroidery, the trimmings and false sleeves of the same, edged with rich lace, and the cords and tassels that festoon the draperies of gold. The bracelets round the sleeves, the zone and the binding of the petticoat to be of plate gold, we suppose in commemoration of the lately achieved conquest of South America.The petticoat is decorated with artificial wreaths of white thorn made in relief.

Illustration - 2 - Gentlemen - Dark green or other dark colour coat and small-cloaths of silk, velvet or fine cloth, covered with a small spot somewhat lighter of the same kind of colour, edged with silver lace, and embroidered with any kind of wild flower of acknowledged British growth:waistcoat of white satin, embroidered in a very light pattern of gold thread. Silk stockings perfecly white.

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