Monday, 18 January 2016

Special Offer. False Pretences. Regency mystery/romance novel.

Special Offer.
I am delighted to announce an Exclusive MuseItUp & Amazon e-book deal for my Regency  Mystery Romance  False Pretences.

#False Pretences is available for £0.99 - $1.41 until the 30th January.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Plot, Well Researched, Enjoyable Novel, 

J. Pittam “Maythorn” (Hertfordshire, England.) 

This review is from: False Pretences (Kindle Edition)
I very much enjoyed this novel by Rosemary Morris. It is set in 1815, but is not what I'd call a typical 'Regency Romance'. There certainly is a romance involved, eventually, but there's an elegant, well-told mystery story before we get there. The plot is intricate and the research superb. I very much enjoyed following Annabelle's search for identity, which involves bitter discoveries about her father and half-brother’s political intrigues, covers her own fears and worries for her sister and servants (she's a compassionate lass, is Annabelle, and inclined to pick up waifs and strays) and finally the moment when she succumbs to a delicious hero.

All in all I hope Rosemary Morris has some more books under her sleeve.

This book is suitable for those who like their history accurate, their heroine to be a real person, the hero likewise (but gorgeous). There is no explicit sex in this novel. As a kindle read it's also suitable for those with a visual disability.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Who? A Question That Needs To Be Answered.


Whether you are writing non fiction or fiction, at the beginning it is necessary to engage a reader in the story by establishing who it is about as soon as possible.

In Tangled Love, set in Hertfordshire, in 1693, the unpopular King James, brother of Charles IInd has fled England and his daughter Mary and her husband William now sit on the throne. In the prologue, nine year-old Richelda’s father explains his dilemma.

     With a sigh, Father lifted her onto his knee. ‘Richelda, I must follow His Majesty for I swore an oath of allegiance to him. Tell me, child, while King James lives how can I, with honour, swear allegiance to his disloyal daughter and her husband?’

Unable to think of a reply, she lowered her head breathing in his spicy perfume.

Father held her closer. ‘Your mother pleads with me to declare myself for William and Mary. She begs me not to return to France, but I am obliged to serve King James. Do you understand?’
Rosemary Morris
Romantic Historical Novelist

Friday, 1 January 2016


Wishing everyone  a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year,

Rosemary Morris
Historical Novelist