Sunday, 31 August 2014

Novelist's Shorthand Notebook.

I'm am relieved and feel virtuous because I had a shorthand notepad on which I scribbled notes on both sides of each page. Bit by bit I've visited websites and blog spots, joined groups, added to my list of books to be read, typed up notes about history etc., etc.

Last time I caught up with my scribbles I told myself I would keep up to date with everything, well it's said the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I think I can be forgiven mine.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Home Grown Organic Salad .

Delicious lunch today. The only two things on my plate which were not home grown were an avocado and some Port Salut Cheese, even the salad dressing was homemade with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt  and home grown herbs.


Drink. Apple Juice made with apples from the garden

First Course

Lollo rosso lettuce mixed with a small grated courgette and shredded dandelion leaves.

Mixture of runner beans, carrots and the last of my new potatoes with chopped chives in home made mayonnaise

Cherry tomatoes.

Cucumber with a little celery salt.

Avocado with a dash of vegetarian Worcester sauce.


Plain Yoghurt with summer fruit jelly made last year.

Yummy, yummy for the tummy, as my young grandchildren say.

Mind you, I couldn't do so much organic gardening without a gardener who comes once a fortnight and does all the heavy work.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Silver Car

Before my son dropped off the second car Vauxhall Corsa he bought on my behalf I had a 2 hour, full body deep tissue massage. By the time I reached home I was too tired to test drive. Prior to driving it today, I studied the instruction manual. Somewhat nervous about the various controls I drove it this morning. The car is in excellent condition. The engine is quiet. I enjoyed a smooth, enjoyable drive. I’m smiling again although the AA mechanic misdiagnosed the problem with my old car.
According to the mechanic the problem was the starter motor. As it broke down on a Sunday the car was taken to Quick Fit. The new parts cost almost £500 which will be met by my AA repair cover. The car would not start and had to be relayed to Mercedes-Benz. The verdict – the throttle valve needed to be replaced. It would cost £700 + vat + £300 for labour and it might need some other parts.
My son and I decided the car was not worth repairing. Now, as the car can’t be driven and it is ten miles or more away from home we have to sort out how to dispose it – sell it for parts or scrap it.







Thursday, 28 August 2014

New Car

I decided to scrap my car. It needed more repairs than it is worth. I am now the proud owner of a Silver Vauxhall Corsa. Its compact, easy to drive and cheap to run. Lucky me. After the fiasco with the AA and being stuck at home it's a relief to be mobile again.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

A Broken World edited by Sebastian Faulkes with Hope Wolf

I've finished reading A Broken World, Letters, Diaries and Memories of the Great War edited by Sebastian Faulkes and Hope Wolf.

At times the poignant words of those who endured the First World War brought tears to my eyes.

I've now made a list of fiction set in the era and non-fiction also set in the era which I would like to read.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Lots to Do on a Rainy Day

It rained steadily all day. The sky a light but dull grey, the light soft on the grass and trees in the garden which seemed greener than ever. I popped out to the green house to feed the cucumbers and tomatoes then returned indoors to greet 9 year-old grandson and 4 year-old granddaughter. My grandson and I cooked together while granddaughter watched a dvd of Cinderella for the umpteenth time. She is besotted by 'fairy princesses' and girlie Walt Disney films. Grandson was delighted with our freshly made gulab jamons (spelling?) Indian sweetmeats fried in ghee and then boiled for five minutes in sugar syrup. They are delicious but definitely not slimming. However, he loves them, and I don't begrudge him a special treat once in a while. Not sure whether he likes them or his his new Manchester United Football kit most which his Mum bought him for the new football season.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Not a Bowl of Cherries

Two weeks ago my car broke down.
The AA mechanic said it needed a new starter motor and said: “Don’t turn off the ignition and take it to a garage.” I replied that it was Sunday and the garages were closed so I would prefer to take the car home and, if it would not start on Monday, ask the AA to relay it to a garage.
The mechanic instructed me to take it to Quick Fit. He told me that the AA would not take the car to a garage on the following day because I could not call on them for a problem which had already been dealt with by him. Pressurised and vulnerable I took the car to QF.
From then on there as a long saga at the end of which the starter motor had been replaced after which a new ignition (coil?) was needed. After the coil had been fitted the sensor (?) did not recognise it.
Fortunately, I have AA repair cover so I will be reimbursed for the above repairs which add up to £461. However, the car had to be taken to Mercedes-Benz. When I first approached the AA I was refused a relay. I then queried it and, finally, after ‘your call is important to us…etc., explained the tale of the breakdown and my need for the car to be relayed. Thank goodness the relay was authorised.
I will have to pay Mercedes £120 for looking at the car and further repairs, if the car can be repaired.
Deep, deep sigh, heaven only knows if or when I will get my car back.













Saturday, 23 August 2014

Black Kale and Runner Beans

Pleasant day, today, the weather slightly chilly but warm enough to dry the washing on the line. I like the smell of clothes dried in fresh air. Finally, II planted out some black kale which had outgrown its pots.Son number two popped in to replace the lock on the garden shed. As part of out lunch we had thinly-sliced, fresh runner beans and decided they are one of my favourite vegetables.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Z is for Zest

Z is for Zest


Zest, or enthusiasm and keenness, are essential for a novelist. Would be published novelists have told me they wrote, for example, a quarter or half of a novel and gave up. Either they lost interest in the plot and theme, or they abandoned their would-be masterpieces because they couldn’t find time to write or because it was too difficult to finish them.


Published or unpublished authors need zest, by which I mean enthusiasm for the novel, and they also need to be keen enough to persevere no matter how many times their books are rejected.


In my early twenties my first novel was accepted by a reputable publishing company. I didn’t know that to ensure publication the date on which my novel would be released needed to be included in the contract. The publishing house changed hands and the new commissioning editor didn’t like my novel. I continued to write for some years before my circumstances changed and I did not have the opportunity to do so. Years later, my late husband encouraged me to pursue my dream of writing historical fiction. It was the nudge I needed to write all the stories which had been in my mind for years. After enough rejections to paper the wall in my lavatory I acquired an agent. Deep, deep sigh, he didn’t secure a contract for me. More disappointments followed until my publisher accepted Sunday’s Child.


My keenness to be published and a string of rejections are not uncommon. Many other novelists have had similar experiences.


It is zest which separates published and unpublished writers from those who don’t finish a novel, which is a huge achievement, from would-be-writers.


e-books available from,, & elsewhere. Sunday’s Child, False Pretences, Tangled Love, Far Beyond Rubies, also available as a print book, & The Captain and The Countess.


Rosemary Morris




Thursday, 21 August 2014

Y is for Year Books

Y is for Year Books


The Writers and Artists Year Book, Children’s Writers and Artist and Year Book, The Writers Handbook,  Writers Digest Yearbook, contain lists of agents, publishers and other useful information can be consulted in libraries before deciding whether or not to buy one.

e-books available from,, & elsewhere. Sunday’s Child, False Pretences, Tangled Love, Far Beyond Rubies, also available as a print book, & The Captain and The Countess.

Rosemary Morris

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Buzz Deal

FINAL DAY…NEW BUZZ Deal…ends Thursday, August 21


The throne has been usurped by James II’s daughter and son-in-law, Mary and William of Orange.  In 1693, loyal to his oath of allegiance, ten year old Richelda’s father must follow James to France.


Tangled Love by Rosemary Morris

Historical Romance

Shortlists for Festival of Romance


Retails: $5.95

Sales price: $0.99

Discount: $-4.96


The throne has been usurped by James II’s daughter and son-in-law, Mary and William of Orange.  In 1693, loyal to his oath of allegiance, ten year old Richelda’s father must follow James to France.


Before her father leaves, he gives her a ruby ring she will treasure and wear on a chain round her neck.  In return Richelda swears an oath to try to regain their ancestral home, Field House.


By the age of eighteen, Richelda’s beloved parents are dead.  She believes her privileged life is over.  At home in dilapidated Belmont House, her only companions are her mother’s old nurse and her devoted dog, Puck.  Clad in old clothes she dreams of elegant dresses and trusts her childhood friend Dudley, a poor parson’s son, who promised to marry her.

Richelda’s wealthy aunt takes her to London and arranges her marriage to Viscount Chesney, the new owner of Field House.  Richelda is torn between love for Dudley and her oath to regain Field House, where it is rumored there is treasure.  If she finds it, Richelda hopes to ease their lives.  But, while trying to find it, will her life be at risk or will she find true love?

Available at:


Special Offer. Tangled Love. $0.99p. £0.77p.


Tangled Love by Rosemary Morris set is available until midnight on Thursday the 21st August for $0.99 from https://museituppublishing/bookstore and for £0.77p from


Tangled Love by Rosemary Morris was short listed for the best romantic e-book at The Festival of Romance, Bedford U.K in 2013

Tangled Love is the story of two great estates. The throne has been usurped by James II’s daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange. In 1693, loyal to his oath of allegiance, ten year old Richelda’s father must follow James to France.

Before her father leaves, he gives her a ruby ring she will treasure and wear on a chain round her neck. In return Richelda swears an oath to try to regain their ancestral home, Field House.

By the age of eighteen, Richelda’s beloved parents are dead. She believes her privileged life is over. At home in dilapidated Belmont House, her only companions are her mother’s old nurse and her devoted dog, puck. Clad in old clothes she dreams of elegant gowns and trusts her childhood friend, a poor parson’s son, who promised to marry her.

Richelda’s wealthy aunt takes her to London and arranges her marriage to Viscount Chesney, the new owner of Field House, where it is rumoured there is treasure. If she finds it Richelda hopes to ease their lives. However, while trying to find it her life is in danger.






Tuesday, 19 August 2014

X is for Xray

Historical Novelist’s A-Z of Writing


X is for X-ray


By the time I finish a novel, I am so familiar with it that my brain switches off and I see what should be on the page instead of what is actually on it.


I need X-ray eyes to make sure the novel is as perfect as possible before I submit it to my publisher.


First of all, I use the grammar and spell check to make sure there are no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.

Next, I read the novel from beginning to end checking the contents. Are the details correct? Is there too much or too little description? Is there enough emotion? Is the pace too fast or too slow in each scene? Is there a hook at the end of each chapter which will make the reader want to read on?


With regard to the last question, I was delighted by an e-mail from a policewoman in South Africa, who was due to go on duty at 6 a.m. Before she went to sleep she decided to read a little from my novel Tangled Love set in Queen Anne Stuart’s reign 1702-1714. Many cups of black coffee later when it was nearly dawn she finished reading it. 


After checking the contents, I check the linguistics by highlighting words such as and, was, were, had, that and because to see if I have used them too frequently. Whenever I have I rephrase the sentence.


A final check of the formatting, spelling and grammar and it’s time to submit the novel.


 Rosemary Morris

Historical Novelist


Published by MuseItUp Publishing.


e.books available from MuseItUp Publishing, amazon, nook, kobo and elsewhere, Sunday’s Child, False Pretences,Tangled Love, Far Beyond Rubies,also available as a print book,  and The Captain and The Countess


Monday, 18 August 2014

W is for Writer's Day

W is for Writer’s Day

If I had a pound for everyone who told me they could write a book my savings would have increased, and if I had one for everyone who told me they started a novel but couldn’t finish it they would have increased even more.

Every published author I know organises their time in order to write.

I not write historical novels, which requires research and visits to places of historical interest. I also blog and deal with ‘writerly’ matters.

My writing day begins at 6 a.m. With a break for breakfast I work until 10 a.m. After lunch I work for an hour and more often than not I work from 4 or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

This is my routine on every day of the year except for Christmas and even then I’ve sneaked a look at my e-mails. But I confess that this year, when I went on holiday with my daughter and her children, writing took the proverbial back seat.

The point is that an author needs to organise their time. For those with little time to spare by writing a page a day a non-fiction book or a novel can be completed, edited and revised within the year.


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Buzz Deal $0.90 & £0.77 ends 12 p.m 17/08

Rosemary Morris’s The Captain and the Countess set in 1706 is available as an e-book for 77p from and for $0.99 from,, kobo and elsewhere until midnight on the 17th August.

His heart captured by the Countess, only Captain Howard sees pain behind her fashionable façade and is determined to help her.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

V is for Viewpoint

For the reader to identify with the main protagonist in each scene everything needs to be shown through the eyes of the viewpoint character.

For example, the following is a brief extract from my novel The Captain and The Countess, in which Edward, Captain Howard sees the Countess for the first time.

    “Lady Sinclair,” someone murmured.
     Edward turned. He gazed without blinking at the acclaimed beauty, whose sobriquet was ‘The    Fatal Widow’.  
    The countess remained in the doorway, her cool blue eyes speculative.
    Edward whistled low. Could her shocking reputation be no more than tittle-tattle? His artist’s eyes observed her. Rumour did not lie about her Saxon beauty.

The reader sees Edward's reaction to the countess and his reaction to her beauty.

Instead of 'head-hopping' - switching from one person to another person's viewpoint - sticking to a single viewpoint makes it clear to the reader which character they should identify with.

Of course, if a short story or novel is written in the first person the entire story is from a single viewpoint.



Friday, 15 August 2014

U is for Understand

U is for Understand


Before I submit my novels to my publisher, MuseItUp Publishing, I work with an online critique group and read my chapters aloud on critique evenings at Watford Writers. I am always grateful when a critique comments that they don’t understand something.


For example:in my current novel, Monday’s Child, Christies will auction some valuable items. I wrote about the events leading to this at the beginning of the novel but when I referred to it in Chapter Twenty-Two some of my critiquers did not understand the reference.


My characters, their motivations, and the plot and theme are clear in my mind. It is for me to make sure that my readers understand everything.


Rosemary Morris

Historical Novelist


Thursday, 14 August 2014

Extract from The Captain and The Countess

Rosemary Morris’s most recent novel The Captain and the Countess has received 5* reviews and is available as an e-book for 77p from and for $0.99 from until midnight on the 17th August.


Exract fromThe Captain and The Countess


London 1706


Edward, the Right Honourable Captain Howard, dressed in blue and white, which some of the officers in Queen Anne’s navy favoured, strode into Mrs Radcliffe’s spacious house near St James Park. 

Perkins, his godmother’s butler, took his hat and cloak. “Madam wants you to join her immediately.”

Instead of going upstairs to the rooms his godmother had provided for him during his spell on half pay—the result of a dispute with a senior officer—Edward entered the salon. He sighed. When would his sixty-one year old godmother accept that at the age of twenty-two he was not yet ready to wed?

He made his way across the elegant, many windowed room through a crowd of expensively garbed callers.

When Frances Radcliffe noticed him, she turned to the pretty young lady seated beside her. “Mistress Martyn, allow me to introduce you to my godson, Captain Howard.”  

Blushes stained Mistress Martyn’s cheeks as she stood to make her curtsey.

 Edward bowed, indifferent to yet another of his grandmother’s protégées. Conversation ceased. All eyes focussed on the threshold. 

“Lady Sinclair,” someone murmured.

Edward turned. He gazed without blinking at the acclaimed beauty, whose sobriquet was ‘The Fatal Widow’. 

The countess remained in the doorway, her cool blue eyes speculative.

Edward whistled low. Could her shocking reputation be no more than tittle-tattle? His artist’s eyes observed her. Rumour did not lie about her Saxon beauty.

 Her ladyship was not a slave to fashion. She did not wear a wig, and her hair was not curled and stiffened with sugar water. Instead, her flaxen plaits were wound around the crown of her head to form a coronet. The style suited her. So did the latest Paris fashion, an outrageous wisp of a lace cap, which replaced the tall, fan-shaped fontage most ladies continued to wear perched on their heads. 

Did the countess have the devil-may-care attitude gossips attributed to her?  If she did, it explained why some respectable members of society shunned her. Indeed, if Lady Sinclair were not the granddaughter of his godmother’s deceased friend, she might not be received in this house.

The lady’s fair charms did not entirely explain what drew many gallants to her side. After all, there were several younger beauties present that the gentlemen did not flock around so avidly.

He advanced toward the countess, conscious of the sound of his footsteps on the wooden floor, the muted noise of coaches and drays through the closed windows and, from the fireplace, the crackle of burning logs which relieved the chill of early spring.

The buzz of conversation resumed. Her ladyship scrutinised him. Did she approve of his appearance? A smile curved her heart-shaped mouth. He repressed his amusement. Edward suspected the widow’s rosy lips owed more to artifice than nature.

“How do you do, sir,” she said when he stood before her. “I think we have not met previously. Her eyes assessed him dispassionately. My name is Sinclair, Katherine Sinclair. I dislike formality. You may call me Kate.”

“Captain Howard at your service, Countess.” Shocked but amused by boldness more suited to a tavern wench than a great lady, Edward paid homage with a low bow before he spoke again. “Despite your permission, I am not presumptuous enough to call you Kate, yet I shall say that had we already met, I would remember you.”

“You are gallant, sir, but you are young to have achieved so high a rank in Her Majesty’s navy.”

“An unexpected promotion earned in battle which the navy did not subsequently commute.”

“You are to be congratulated on what, I can only assume, were acts of bravery.”

“Thank you, Countess.”

The depths of her ladyship’s sapphire cross and earrings blazed, matching his sudden fierce desire.

Kate, some four inches shorter than Edward, looked up at him.

He leaned forward. The customary greeting of a kiss on her lips lingered longer than etiquette dictated. Her eyes widened before she permitted him to lead her across the room to the sopha on which his godmother sat with Mistress Martyn.

With a hint of amusement in her eyes, Kate regarded Mrs Radcliffe. “My apologies, madam, I suspect my visit is untimely.”

Her melodious voice sent shivers up and down his spine, nevertheless, Edward laughed. Had the countess guessed his godmother, who enjoyed match-making, wanted him to marry Mistress Martyn? No, he was being too fanciful. How could she have guessed?

“You are most welcome, Lady Sinclair.  Please take a seat and partake of a glass of cherry ratafia.” Frances said.

 “Perhaps, milady prefers red viana,” Edward suggested

“Captain, you read my mind, sweet wine is not to my taste.”

In response to the lady’s provocative smile, heat seared his cheeks.

Kate smoothed the gleaming folds of her turquoise blue silk gown. The lady knew how to dress to make the utmost of her natural beauty. Her gown and petticoat, not to mention sleeves and under-sleeves, as well as her bodice and stays, relied for effect on simple design and fine fabrics. He approved of her ensemble, the elegance of which did not depend on either a riot of colours or a multitude of bows and other trimmings. Later, he would sketch her from memory.

Kate inclined her head to his godmother. “Will you not warn your godson I am unsound, wild, and a bad influence on the young?”

Edward gazed into Kate’s eyes.  Before his demise, had her husband banished her to a manor deep in the country? If it was true, why did he do so?

Kate’s eyebrows slanted down at the inner corners. She stared back at him.  He laughed, raised her hands to his lips and kissed each in turn. “I look forward to furthering my acquaintance with you.”

“High-handed.” Kate gurgled with laughter. “Captain, please release me.”

     What did he care if she were some ten years his elder? He wanted to get to know her better. Edward bowed. “Your slightest wish is my command.”

A frozen glimpse of despair in her eyes unsettled Edward. Did he imagine it? He could not speak. Why should a lady like the countess despair?


Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The Captain and The Countess. Special Offer £0.77p. $0.90

Rosemary Morris’s most recent novel The Captain and the Countess is available as an e-book for 77p from and for $0.99 from until the 17th Aaugust.


5* Review of The Captain and The Countess on

I've really become a fan of Rosemary Morris's books because I feel she sets out to write much more than a romance. Her new historical did not disappoint me with its hero who is a young Captain in Queen Anne's navy, marooned at the time of the story on half-pay, and the widow nine years his senior. It's set in the time of Queen Anne, 1702-1714, so quite a bit earlier than the Regency offerings we get so used to.

I particularly enjoyed the way the politics, lifestyle and beliefs of the age were woven in quite seamlessly, and loved the tender manly hero and the somewhat damaged heroine. Though he is the younger, his naval service has brought him maturity. Though she is older, she has been very badly used by the men in her life and has a shocking secret.

The research is truly immaculate but I felt as though I were in Kate's drawing room rather than reading a history book. Rosemary has explored some of the folk customs and superstitions current in this period and also written a great love story.

Suitable for those who enjoy a well-written, well-researched historical novel; a sensual love story with no explicit sex and a happy ending. This book is downloadable to kindle and other e-readers and is therefore suitable for many with a visual disability.

Well done,

J. Pitman
Rosemary Morris




Monday, 11 August 2014

Special Offer

My novel set in the reign of Queen Anne Stuart – 1702-1714 is on special offer for $0.99 during August from https://museituppublishing and at sites listed on the website.


The Captain and The Countess by Rosemary Morris


Back Cover


Why does heart-rending pain lurk in the back of the wealthy Countess of Sinclair’s eyes? 


Captain Howard’s life changes forever from the moment he meets Kate, the intriguing Countess and resolves to banish her pain.


Although the air sizzles when widowed Kate, victim of an abusive marriage meets Edward Howard, a captain in Queen Anne’s navy, she has no intention of ever marrying again.


However, when Kate becomes better acquainted with the Captain she realises he is the only man who understands her grief and can help her to untangle her past.


5* Review on Amazon


I'm a fan of Rosemary Morris's writing. She always delivers something little different, with style.

The 'Captain and the Countess' is a powerful historical romance. Powerful, because of the stakes involved - missing children, love, desire. The theme of a search for missing children is really well done, with tension and at times heart-rending scenes.

(I sniffed into my hankie a few times, reading this novel.)

The 'Captain and the Countess' is rich in its detail of customs, beliefs, cities, classes, servants, fashions, meals and more. Set a time when ancient superstitions can destroy a young woman's life, the novel shows the transition between our more modern 'rational' time and the older medieval age with great accuracy.

The 'Captain and the Countess' is a moving romance, too. Edward is a wonderful hero, patient, caring, direct, insightful. Kate, the heroine, is tender and delightful, beset by troubles and a tragic past but always striving, always hoping. They are well-matched and I was willing them to find their HEA together, which they do.

Finally, the novel is original in the way it tackles certain themes. The hero and heroine don't simply bicker for the sake of tension. They argue because it matters and they don't sulk afterwards but seek to work together. The historical period Rosemary Morris has chosen, that of Queen Anne, just before the Regency, is wonderfully fresh and springs to life through her skilful words.

Lindsay Townshend

T is for Theme

Now that I am back from holiday and am recovering from a virus I shall complete my ABC about writing.
As a reader and a historical novelist I consider a strong theme is essential. For example, the theme of Gone With the Wind (until the end of the novel) was Scarlet O’Hara’s unrequited love for Ashley Wilkes and the theme of Romeo and Juliet was unconsummated love. In my novel, Sunday’s Child it was the hero’s fear of his future wife becoming pregnant caused by a dreadful experience when the British fought against Napoleon in the Iberian Peninsula.

It would be interesting to know how many authors only begin a novel when they have chosen a theme.

I spend a lot of time creating my characters and naming them after deciding on a plot and then choosing the theme.


Sunday, 10 August 2014

Not a Bowl of Cherries

When I returned from holiday accompanied by the virus my car would not start. I phoned the AA for help. The mechanic replaced the battery. Today, feeling a lot better I popped up to the local Allotment Society to get some tomato feed. When I returned to the car it would not start. I called the AA again. The diagnosis is faulty starter motor is. Matters turned into a nightmare. The mechanic told me that if I turned off the engine the car would not start again and I must take it to a garage to be repaired. If I didn't and the car would not start again I would not be entitled to the AA Relay service, which would mean paying a proverbial arm an a leg to have it towed. (I am going to query this with the AA when the office opens tomorrow.) Well! It's Sunday. My only option was to take it to Quickfit. Their mechanic would have to confirm the diagnosis and the mechanic will not be available until Friday or later. By then the virus was kicking in. My daughter collected me and took me home. I phoned a mechanic. He said that if it is the starter motor the whole engine would have to come out in order to replace it so it might not be worth repairing the car. Oh dear, oh dear, last time my car had to be scrapped it took ages to find another one  second hand one. The loss of freedom to go out whenever I wanted to was very depressing and I can't stand the thought of going through it again.
When I returned from holiday accompanied by the virus my car would not start. I phoned the AA for help. The mechanic replaced the battery. Today, feeling a lot better I popped up to the local Allotment Society to get some tomato feed. When I returned to the car it would not start. I called the AA again. The diagnosis is faulty starter motor is. Matters turned into a nightmare. The mechanic told me that if I turned off the engine the car would not start again and I must take it to a garage to be repaired. If I didn't and the car would not start again I would not be entitled to the AA Relay service, which would mean paying a proverbial arm an a leg to have it towed. (I am going to query this with the AA when the office opens tomorrow.) Well! It's Sunday. My only option was to take it to Quickfit. Their mechanic would have to confirm the diagnosis and the mechanic will not be available until Friday or later. By then the virus was kicking in. My daughter collected me and took me home. I phoned a mechanic. He said that if it is the starter motor the whole engine would have to come out in order to replace it so it might not be worth repairing the car. Oh dear, oh dear, last time my car had to be scrapped it took ages to find another one  second hand one. The loss of freedom to go out whenever I wanted to was very depressing and I can't stand the thought of going through it again.

Not a Bowl of Cherries

When I returned from holiday accompanied by the virus my car would not start. I phoned the AA for help. The mechanic replaced the battery. Today, feeling a lot better I popped up to the local Allotment Society to get some tomato feed. When I returned to the car it would not start. I called the AA again. The diagnosis is faulty starter motor is. Matters turned into a nightmare. The mechanic told me that if I turned off the engine the car would not start again and I must take it to a garage to be repaired. If I didn't and the car would not start again I would not be entitled to the AA Relay service, which would mean paying a proverbial arm an a leg to have it towed. (I am going to query this with the AA when the office opens tomorrow.) Well! It's Sunday. My only option was to take it to Quickfit. Their mechanic would have to confirm the diagnosis and the mechanic will not be available until Friday or later. By then the virus was kicking in. My daughter collected me and took me home. I phoned a mechanic. He said that if it is the starter motor the whole engine would have to come out in order to replace it so it might not be worth repairing the car. Oh dear, oh dear, last time my car had to be scrapped it took ages to find another one  second hand one. The loss of freedom to go out whenever I wanted to was very depressing and I can't stand the thought of going through it again.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Back from Holiday

Life is not a bowl of cherries. During my holiday in glorious Devon I felt very unwell. I returned from holiday last Saturday and went to the doctor on Monday. Deep sigh, I have a viral infection and am taking antibiotics. At the moment, I have no energy.